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CYDEF Communique

Mar 24th, 2020

Here’s what we’ve been seeing ...

As we enter week 2 of social distancing, organizations continue to work towards providing adequate cyber security for their remote workforce; at the same time they are experiencing an increase in the following types of cyber attacks:

  • Phishing / COVID Spear Phishing email that tries to trick you into giving bad actors access to your computer
  • Social Engineering attacks, which encourage users to go to malicious websites (e.g. Facebook posts with links to dangerous websites claiming to have information on COVID-19)

During these challenging times, CYDEF wants to help.

We are available to protect organizations while they establish permanent security for remote workers. No need to be concerned about cost, we can make special arrangements for small and medium-sized businesses.

To help organizations through this transition, we've summarized some of the best practices below:

Regardless of whether this is business as usual or entirely uncharted territory, here are some of the universally accepted cyber security best practices for remote working from experts around the world, Organizations of all sizes should:

  • Refresh cyber security training with staff especially for Phishing and Social Engineering
  • Enable Multi-Factor Authentication sign in
  • Ensure all computers are patched and updated
  • Confirm communication protocols for incident management across all departments
  • Not allow family members to use work devices
  • Remember to lock the work computer when away from it
  • Keep confidential/sensitive documents securely stored
  • Follow password strength and complexity rules; consider using a password manager

How CYDEF can help

We know that the current circumstances make it difficult for businesses to buy and implement security tools to protect their remote workforce, and it’s unrealistic to expect users to completely change overnight and become cyber security experts.

Getting to a stable and secure remote working state will take time. End-users will be required to change their work habits (difficult under the best of circumstances) and your IT team will need some way to ensure new policies and procedures are being followed.

To bridge the gap between a permanent security solution and the current operational reality, we offer our simple-to-deploy managed service, SMARTMonitor.

  • is invisible to the end user
  • requires no management by existing IT resources (no additional strain)

Please don’t be concerned about cost as we are willing to make special arrangements for SMBs seeking to secure their remote workforce as quickly as possible.

If you would like our assistance or more info, please contact us at

A little bit about the CYDEF SMARTMonitor Service

Protection through detection

We do all the monitoring for you through our cloud solution – we review the log files of your computers with the most effective combination of machine learning and human cyber security expertise.

We continually assess activity on your computers and notify you (or your IT Provider) when we’ve detected something of concern.

CYDEF SMARTMonitor – It’s never too late

Now that the employees have left the office, it can be difficult to deploy security solutions (as described in this Bloomberg article). However, with CYDEF SMARTMonitor, you just install the CYDEF Windows Agent on the laptop or desktop and they are ready to go.

No need to deploy any hardware on your premises, no need to buy expensive and difficult to use software.

Just pay as you go based on the number of computers you need us to monitor for you.

That’s it. Really

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